Rental Rules


By completing an application you are agreeing to cooperate with the following conditions as stated:


1.       Pianos, televisions, stereo, and other such devices shall not be played or operated at an unreasonable volume at any time, and shall not be played audible outside the leased premises between 10 o'clock p.m. and 8 o'clock a.m.  Each tenant is required by his or her lease to conduct himself in a manner that will not disturb a neighbor's peaceful enjoyment of the premises. $25 for first violation. $50 for second and subsequent violations. One violation within the lease period may result in termination of the lease.

2.       No alcoholic containers larger than 2 gallons allowed.  (Kegs) Violation will result in $75 for first violation. $150 for second and subsequent violations. One violation within the lease period may result in termination of the lease.

3.       No Smoking Allowed. $50 for first violation. $100 for second and subsequent violations. One violation within the lease period may result in termination of the lease.

4.       Profane, obscene, loud or boisterous language, or unseemly behavior and conduct is absolutely prohibited, and tenant obligates himself and those under him, not to do or permit to be done anything that will annoy, harass, embarrass, or inconvenience any of the other tenants or occupants in said or adjoining premises.  The Landlord may terminate this Agreement for: *Criminal activity that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other tenants or any drug-related criminal activity on or near such premises, engaged in by a tenant, any member of the tenant's household, or any other person under the tenant's control. $25 for first violation. $50 for second and subsequent violations. One violation within the lease period may result in termination of the lease.

5.       The common area of the premises such as halls, elevators, vestibules, stairways, laundry rooms, trash containers, storage areas, garages, driveways, parking lots, and entrances or exits to the building shall be used for their appropriate purposes such as entrances or exits.  Tenant shall not use any of these common areas for any other purpose and shall prevent their children, if any, from using such areas as play areas including no skateboards or rollerblades.  All of these areas which are used for entrance and exits must be kept free of any personal property.  Personal property found in above described common areas shall be considered abandoned and disposed of.

6.       All cars in the lots must be licensed and operable.  Any car not, will be towed at owner's expense.   Repair of motor vehicles anywhere on the premises is not allowed.  Under no circumstances is a car or truck to be driven on lawns.  Boats, campers, trailers, or vehicles not used for daily transportation shall not be parked on the premises without special permission of the management.  Park in designated areas only. Violators will be subject to towing at the owner's expense. 

7.       All garbage, rubbish, and other waste from dwelling unit should be put into garbage bags and disposed of promptly and in a clean, safe manner and placed in garbage containers. Any tenant(s) not disposing of garbage properly will be charged a maintenance fee.

8.       Utilities, for which Tenant is responsible, are to be transferred PRIOR to occupancy.  Utilities not switched after the third (3rd) day of occupancy will be disconnected. Tenant will also be charged a $50 for not doing so.

9.       Nothing shall be hung or attached to the walls or ceiling of the deck or patio; this includes but is not limited to hanging plants, planters, swings, satellite dishes or TV antennas, bird feeders, wind chimes, clotheslines, decorations, etc.

10.    No signs, notices, flags or advertisements shall be attached or displayed by tenants on or about the premises without written consent.

11.    No additional locks may be put on any door without consent of the Landlord, nor shall any locks be changed by tenants without the consent of the Landlord.

12.    Light bulbs are furnished at the time of occupancy.  Thereafter, tenants will replace all bulbs at Tenant's expense.  At checkout, Tenant is responsible for all bulbs to be same wattage as originally provided and to be working.

13.    Satellite dishes are not allowed without prior written approval.

14.    It shall be considered a breach of these rules for any tenant to provide false or misleading information upon a rental application if such information is material to the determination of the Landlord whether to rent a unit to the tenant.  In the event any such false or misleading information is discovered, which would have been material to such determination, tenant shall be deemed to have breached these rules.

15.    All carpets must be professionally shampooed prior to vacating by a professional carpet cleaning service using the extraction method only.  Receipt for cleaning must be shown at the time of inspection.  Carpets must be cleaned prior to your move out inspection unless other arrangements have been made through the office.  Failure to do so will result in a $100 fee charged in addition to the cost of the carpet cleaning.

16.    All tenants shall be responsible for all damages caused by them, or any other person under the tenants control, as a result of their negligence, carelessness, or misuse of the property or equipment.  All damages should be reported promptly.  It will be corrected by the Owner at the expense of the Tenant.

17.    Tenant is responsible for all drains and waste pipes in unit including the cost of clearing any partial or complete blockage occurring during occupancy.  Be careful no grease, coffee grounds, food, toys, etc., go down drains.

18.    Landlord is not an Insurer of Tenants person or possessions.  Landlord shall not be liable for personal injury or death of Tenant, Tenant's family or guests or any loss of tenant's personal property by water, fire, etc, not caused by landlord negligence. LANDLORD STRONGLY RECOMMENDS TENANT OBTAIN OWN INSURANCE.

19.    No pets allowed, except where pre-approved.   Upon 1st violation tenant shall be subject to a $100 fine for any unapproved pet seen in their apartment.  Upon 2nd violation tenant shall be subject to eviction. Pet-sitting is prohibited. If approved, there is a $250 pet deposit and additional $40/per pet per month in rent.

20.    Tenants shall not cause or permit any unusual or objectionable odor to be produced upon or emanate from their apartment or the building. Tenant will be responsible for the expense of extermination of Cockroaches or Silverfish if Tenant is found to be the cause of the problem, unless it is a preexisting condition. All other pest control is the tenant's responsibility and expense.

21.    Only Tenant and Tenant's minor children may occupy the Unit. Rent is increased by $50.00 per person over the number of bedrooms (with exception to efficiency/studio an 1 bedroom units). Occupancy by any other person even on an overnight basis is prohibited, except with landlord's written consent.  Landlord reserves the right to: limit the number of occupants and charge a service fee for any unauthorized occupant.

22.    No live Christmas trees.

23.    Rent is due on the first day of the month in advance to the Landlord at Prime Properties of Iowa, P.O. Box 1375, Ames, IA 50014.  Tenant can expect to be charged late fee of $40 if rent is not paid by the 5th day of the month.

24.    Your security deposit cannot be used as partial payment of your rent.  It will be refunded to you after you have returned the apartment to its original condition and it has been inspected upon completion of your lease.  Deposits will be returned within 30 days of lease expiration.  The deposit will be in one check only and made out to all tenants whose names are on the lease.

25.    The premises shall only be occupied ONLY by those persons who have signed the application, lease and rules. Occupancy by any other person is not permitted and will be treated as a breach of the lease agreement. A tenant violating this provision will be assessed a monthly amount of $100 and any occupant who has not signed the lease will be treated as a trespasser.

26.    Laundry facilities in Multiple Housing Units are provided for use by Tenants only.  Promptly remove all laundry from machines. Clean machines and lint filters after each use.  Keep laundry areas clean.

27.    We are attempting to offer good, clean, well-maintained properties. If you find anything to the contrary, please advise us at once.  We will expect you to return the rental to us in the same condition.  We encourage residents to clean their rental upon vacating.  We are not in the cleaning business, and we hope that by relieving us of this task we will have more time to better serve our residents.  Any work, cleaning or repairs required to be done, will be charges on an hourly rate plus material. Hourly rates are subject to change as conditions warrant.

28.    SUBLEASING.  Lessee may sublease rental subject to Lessor's approval of new tenant.  Lessee will be charged $100.00 for preparing and changing all records.  Or you may employ Prime Properties of Iowa to sublease your rental.  The rental fee, $250.00, is due and payable when the rental is re-rented.  We at no time guarantee the re-rental.  You will be released of all obligations only when the property has been re-rented.

29.    ROOMMATE CHANGE FEE.  $100.00, Subject to Lessor's approval of new tenant.  Lessee moving out will be charged $75.00 for preparing and changing all records.

30.    All lockouts to be assessed at $50.00 fee.

31.    Residents are responsible for maintaining charged batteries in all battery-operated smoke detectors located in the leased premises. Any detectors found disconnected or without functioning batteries will be subject to a $25 fine.

32.    Applicant understands and agrees that if he/she makes incorrect or misleading statements or omissions on this form, applicant will forfeit his/her deposit.

        a.  Applicant understands and agrees that he/she has only applied for a tenancy.  This form is not a lease, but an application and offer to lease which may be accepted or rejected by Management.  Other prospective residents may also have applied.  If Management does not accept this application, the deposit will be refunded except as provided below.  If Management notifies the applicant that the application has been accepted, applicant must enter into the tenancy applied for or the deposit will be forfeited.

        b.  Management is a fair housing provider and will grant equal opportunity to all persons under the law.

        c. Applicant hereby grants to Management full authorization necessary to verify the information on this form, included but not limited to check credit history, rental history, criminal history, income verification, information from public agencies and other information relevant to this application for a residential tenancy.

        d.  Real-Time Leasing screens all applicants with Trans Union.

33.    Reasonable use of small sized nails for wall hangings is permitted. Do not patch or fill nail holes. Tenant will be charged for any painting required due to nail hole patches or excessive nail holes.

34.    Occupants shall not remove or permit to remove any upholstered furniture or other furniture intended for indoor use to the yard or deck for use as lawn furniture.

35.    Upon notification of vacating your rental said Landlord or agent may, without hindrance or molestation show said premises to parties wishing to rent them.

36.    Tenant acknowledges receipt in writing of all existing rules concerning Tenants use and occupancy of premises. Tenant understands Landlord may, from time to time, and in the manner provided by law, adopt further and amended written rules concerning Tenat's use and occupancy of premises.

37.    Tenant agrees to be bound by these written rules and understands should Tenant break such rules, sufficient grounds exist for termination of occupancy by Landlord.

38.    COMPLIANCE.  The tenant agrees to comply with all said rules and regulations and certifies that they have read the Rental Agreement and House Rules.